


1311. 美国政治原则. A study of the basic principles of the American political order and their implications for current political practice, viewed in the light of alternative views of justice 以及人性. 阅读材料包括《云顶集团》 宪法, 联邦党人、其他建国时期的原始文件,以及后来的托克维尔的文件 美国的民主,以及当代著作. 在秋季和春季提供.

3312. 政治制度:古人、基督徒和现代性的到来. An examination of ancient, Christian, and modern conceptions of the human soul, morality 以及政治秩序. 它将集中于普鲁塔克,圣. 奥古斯汀, 马基雅维里. 特别注意对罗马共和国的不同分析 和帝国,以及他们的生活方式. 秋天.

3323. 宪法. A study of the Constitution and the manner in which its text has been interpreted, 主要由最高法院裁决. 重点是人们的方式,通过 宪法, delegated different powers and responsibilities to the states and the 联邦政府的三个分支. 秋天.

3324. 公共政策. Consideration of how public policy is made and several prominent contemporary issues, 比如全球变暖、移民、贫困和平等问题. 备用 年.

3325. 美国外交政策. 本课程考虑美国政治家的基本文件和演讲 外交政策. 个案研究将为调查这些问题提供一个出发点 topics as the conflict between communism and constitutional democracy, the role of morality in international affairs, and the relation between domestic and foreign politics. Case study topics may include the American Founding, the Mexican-American War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, the Cold War, and the War on Terror. 春天.

3326. 总统. A study of the constitutional design and practical operation of the American presidency. The selection of presidents, the rise of the modern presidency, the character of executive 权力和民主领导的本质将被审视. 不同年.

3327. 公民自由. A study of civil rights in the American regime, with a focus on Supreme Court cases 关于权利法案和第十四修正案. 一个主要的主题是对比 the current liberal and conservative conceptions of civil rights and the conception 开国元勋和他们的继承者. 春天.

3328. 国会. An examination of the national legislative process, comparing the understanding at 以及20世纪对这一进程的重构. 强调 will be placed upon the contemporary 国会, with special attention to its internal organization, its major procedures (including the ordinary legislative process as well as the budget process), and how the embrace of administrative power in the New Deal period and beyond has changed both the form and politics of the legislative process. 不同年.

3329. 政治与政党. An examination of the role of political parties in an extended, republican government. 将特别关注开国元勋一代在党派问题上的分歧, Martin Van Buren's contribution to the establishment of an enduring two-party system, the form and norms of that system, as well as subsequent reforms intended to weaken 或者取代政党对政府的影响. 不同年.
3330. 公法与行政. 本课程的目的是研究通常所说的 the "administrative state" and assess its relation to the Constitution and the development 美国政治思想. 最近行政法的发展和理论 将审议这些事态发展的基础.
3331. 柏拉图的 共和国. 苏格拉底的政治方法研究通过仔细阅读 共和国是西方传统政治哲学的奠基性著作. 适当的方法 在口译中强调对话形式. 秋天.

3332. 亚里士多德的 政治. 仔细阅读政治方面的基础著作. 亚里士多德说过 将苏格拉底的哲学思辨系统化,并使之更加实用 柏拉图. 讨论这在多大程度上是正确的,以及为什么亚里士多德的作品仍然存在 是理解政治生活的基础. 春天.

3333. 中世纪的政治哲学. A consideration of the leading thinkers, with particular emphasis on the possible conflict between faith and reason and the various proposed resolutions of the "theological-political 问题.选自伊斯兰教、犹太教和基督教的作者. 不同年.

3334. 启蒙运动与自由民主. 对早期现代政治哲学的论述. 讨论的作者通常包括 Hobbes, the founder of modern natural law and natural right; Locke, the philosopher of the constitutional republic of the American Founding; and Rousseau, who revolted 以团体、美德和哲学的名义反对启蒙运动. 春天.

3335. 现代性与后现代性. 对后卢梭时代几位主要思想家的考察,如康德,黑格尔, 马克思,密尔,尼采,海德格尔,还有里奥·施特劳斯. 这门课的主题是 the abandonment of natural right in late modern thought; the turn to History as a possible standard of right; then the crisis that ensues when history proves to be 无法提供标准. 春天.

3336. 比较政府. 对当代政府理论和实践的研究. 选择将是 由西方和非西方政权组成. 不同年.

3338. 马克思主义与俄国. A survey of selected writings of Marx and Lenin, followed by consideration of the 前苏联政权和后苏联时代的俄罗斯. 本课程的一个主要主题是 现代暴政的本质及其回归的前景. 不同年.

3339. 国际政治. 一门以当代国际关系为中心的国家间政治研究 设置. 阅读有关未来等主题的第一手和第二手资料 国际关系,国家间政治的道德基础,外交, multi-national institutions, military and security policy, and the relationship between 政权类型和国际行动,秋天,交替年.

3342. 《政治哲学与家庭. This course will focus upon classical, early modern, and late modern understandings 家庭在政治交往中的性质和作用. 特别的关注 will be paid to the influence of these ideas in the formation of the American family in the founding period, as well as its reformation in the twentieth century and beyond 在进步主义、女权主义和弗洛伊德主义的要求下. 每年.

3356. 美国政治思想. 从建国到伍德罗·威尔逊的美国政治思想. 选择的具体文本 讲师. 根据需要提供.

3358. 美国建国. The Founders' understanding of politics and human life will be studied through original documents, especially those of statesmen and elected bodies acting in their official 能力. 主题将包括开国元勋对平等、自由、自然的理解 rights, consent, public policy, nobility, happiness, and the structure of national 州政府. 自由派和保守派对国父们的批评也会如此 被认为是. 不同年.

3362. 20世纪美国政治思想与政策. This course examines the impact of progressivism on 20th century domestic policymaking, focusing upon the movement away from the founding generation's conception of limited 支持更广泛的国家权力概念的政府. 注意力将 be paid to the philosophical roots of this change as well as the implementation of 这种实践上的变化,尤其是在新政和伟大社会时期. 每年.

3368. 天主教政治思想. The purpose of this course is to understand of the Church's teaching concerning the nature and purpose of political society, and concerning the relationship between the 教会和政治秩序. 这门课程涵盖了主要的政治问题 St. 奥古斯丁和圣. 托马斯,教皇和世俗权威之间的斗争 through the Middle Ages and the Reformation, and the relationship between Catholic 教学与现代性. 以下部分或全部将被处理:应用程序 of natural law teaching; the relationship between natural law and natural rights; forms of regimes; the common good; toleration; Catholicism and democracy; Catholicism 和资本主义. 不同年.

4311. 修昔底德:正义、战争和必然性. 仔细阅读修昔底德的 伯罗奔尼撒战争史. 这门课的主题包括修昔底德对国际关系的解释, the justice of imperialism, the connections between foreign and domestic politics, 修辞学,以及政治在必要性和道德上的依据. 不同年.
4350. 亚里士多德的 道德. The ethical basis of political life as it comes into sight through a study of the 《云顶集团4008om》. 不同年.

4351. 高级研讨会. This course is designed to bring together in a comprehensive manner many of the themes 以及在本专业的特定课程中讨论的问题. 一些新的文本,或者新的 authors, may also be examined, with the purpose of comprehending the interplay of 这些文本和作者标志着西方世界的思想运动. 学生 写一篇与课程相关的论文并发表. 秋天.

4352-4353-4354-4355. 特别的主题. 课程 offered according to the interest of students and availability of professors.

4V61. 独立研究. This course provides the individual student with an opportunity to examine any topic, 问题,或在政治学学科内工作. 内容将会确定 通过咨询教练. 前提条件:教师同意. 提供 根据需要.
5357. 高级/研究生选修. 根据学生的兴趣和教授的时间提供. 招生 open to advanced undergraduate students with the approval of the chair, and to graduate 经项目主管批准的学生.